VÍDEO. Arran Cassoles comença una campanya per recuperar i reivindicar la identitat de barri de Sant Gervasi: "Ens restringeixen a un búnquer per a la burgesia"
L’acte arribava precedit d’una sèrie de cartells penjats pel barri durant les últimes setmanes, que denunciaven algunes de les problemàtiques tractades en la roda de premsa celebrada
Amb el seu acord, nosaltres fem servir galetes o tecnologies similars per emmagatzemar, accedir i processar dades personals com la seva visita a aquest lloc web. Pot retirar el seu consentiment o oposar-se al processament de dades basat en interessos legítims en qualsevol moment fent clic a "Ajustos de cookies" o a la nostra Política de privacitat en aquest lloc web. Si cliques "acceptar" dones el teu consentiment
Aquí pots configurar les teves preferències i triar com vols que nosaltres i altres empreses seleccionades utilitzem les teves dades mitjançant la instal·lació de cookies o l'ús de tecnologies similars. Rebutjar la instal·lació de cookies pot implicar l'incorrecte funcionament de certs serveis. Per a més informació sobre galetes pots consultar la nostra Política de cookies i per informació sobre els tractaments de dades personals que realitzem pots consultar la nostra política de privacitat.
Les cookies necessàries són absolutament essencials perquè el lloc web funcioni correctament. Aquesta categoria només inclou galetes que garanteixen funcionalitats bàsiques i funcions de seguretat del lloc web. Aquestes cookies no emmagatzemen cap informació personal.
Totes les galetes que poden no ser especialment necessàries perquè el lloc web funcioni i s’utilitzen específicament per recopilar dades personals de l’usuari a través d’anàlisis, anuncis i altres continguts incrustats s’anomenen cookies no necessàries. És obligatori obtenir el consentiment de l'usuari abans d'executar aquestes cookies al vostre lloc web.
Les galetes funcionals ajuden a realitzar determinades funcionalitats, com ara compartir el contingut del lloc web a plataformes de xarxes socials, recopilar comentaris i altres funcions de tercers.
1 year
This cookie is set by Rubicon Project and is used for recording cookie consent data.
3 days
PayPal sets this cookie to enable the PayPal payment service on the website.
5 months 27 days
AddThis sets this cookie to enable the visitors to share the web pages on social platforms via sharing buttons on the website.
Les galetes de rendiment s'utilitzen per entendre i analitzar els índexs clau de rendiment del lloc web que ajuden a oferir una millor experiència d'usuari per als visitants.
30 minutes
This cookie is necessary for the PayPal login function on the website.
Les cookies analítiques s'utilitzen per entendre com interactuen els visitants amb el lloc web. Aquestes cookies ajuden a proporcionar informació sobre mètriques de nombre de visitants, percentatge de rebots, font de trànsit, etc.
1 year 1 month 4 days
Scorecard Research sets this cookie for browser behaviour research.
1 year 1 month 4 days
Google Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session and campaign data and track site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognise unique visitors.
1 minute
Google Analytics sets this cookie to store a unique user ID.
1 year 1 month 4 days
Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.
1 day
Google Analytics sets this cookie to store information on how visitors use a website while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance. Some of the collected data includes the number of visitors, their source, and the pages they visit anonymously.
1 year 24 days
Google sets this cookie under the DoubleClick domain, tracks the number of times users see an advert, measures the campaign's success, and calculates its revenue. This cookie can only be read from the domain they are currently on and will not track any data while they are browsing other sites.
Les galetes de publicitat s'utilitzen per oferir als visitants anuncis i campanyes de màrqueting rellevants. Aquestes galetes fan un seguiment dels visitants als llocs web i recullen informació per oferir anuncis personalitzats.
1 year 1 month
Beeswax sets this cookie as a unique ID for the visitor, which allows third-party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisements. This pairing service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.
1 year 1 month
Beeswax sets this cookie to display the user relevant content and advertisements. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.
Google sets this cookie to determine what ads have been shown to the website visitor.
1 year
This cookie is set by OpenX to record anonymized user data, such as IP address, geographical location, websites visited, ads clicked by the user etc., for relevant advertising.
1 year 24 days
Google DoubleClick IDE cookies store information about how the user uses the website to present them with relevant ads according to the user profile.
1 day
PubMatic sets this cookie to ensure that a PubMatic user ID is already set and that PubMatic’s code is running properly.
1 year
Rubicon Project sets this cookie as an internal user identifier that stores user data to be used for analytics.
3 months
The cookie, set by PubMatic, registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used for targeted ads.
2 months
Stickyadstv sets this cookie to identify your browser and internet device uniquely.
6 months
Google sets the cookie for advertising purposes; to limit the number of times the user sees an ad, to unwanted mute ads, and to measure the effectiveness of ads.
15 days
The pd cookie is owned by OpenX to provide users with personalised marketing content.
3 months
PubMatic sets this cookie to register a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.
1 year
StackAdapt sets this cookie as a third party advertising cookie to record information about a user's website activity, such as the pages visited and the locations viewed, to enable us to provide users with interest-based content and personalised advertisements on external websites.
1 year
StackAdapt sets this cookie as a third party advertising cookie to record information about a user's website activity, such as the pages visited and the locations viewed, to enable us to provide users with interest-based content and personalised advertisements on external websites.
14 minutes
doubleclick.net sets this cookie to determine if the user's browser supports cookies.
2 months
StickyAds.tv sets this cookie for targeting and advertising purposes.
3 months
This cookie is set by Loopme. This cookie is used for advertising purposes. The cookie helps in providing relevant advertisement to the visitors based on their preference by tracking them on multiple websites.
1 year 24 days
Google Ads Service uses this cookie to collect information about from multiple websites for retargeting ads.